In order to maintain good cardiovascular health, an individual needs to maintain a healthy weight and diet, exercise on a regular basis, controlling inflammation, and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol. Without following a healthy lifestyle, a individual's heart can suffer several consequences such as atherosclerosis, which are fatty deposits in the blood vessels causing the vessels to become obstructed; and aneurysms, which are weakened sections of the blood vessel walls that can burst. Heart attacks, disease, and strokes can also occur with an unhealthy heart. A heart attack is caused by blood supply to the myocardium is reduced that can result to heart cells or death. Another problem would be a stroke, which is a brain injury that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted. There are multiple types of strokes: ischemic stroke, where the artery that supplies the blood to the brain becomes blocked; and a hemorrhagic stroke, where an artery in the brain bursts.
In order to prevent heart attacks, heart disease, or strokes, and individual can: control their blood pressure, control cholesterol, eat a healthy diet, stop smoking, manage stress, and exercise. Living a healthier lifestyle can greatly reduce and individuals chance of heart attacks and strokes.
One unanswered question I have at the end of this unit is why even after having a heart attack, would an individual continue their unhealthy lifestyle and risk another heart attack? Also how would an individual who has a genetic history of heart disease or heart attacks learn to prevent a heart attack or disease?
Moving forward onto upcoming units, I will need to review more throughout the unit rather than waiting for the unit test. Going through the semester, my health goals are proving hard to maintain because as the semester is soon ending, there is a lot more stress and homework, making it hard to focus on my health goals. Even as hard as it is, I will try to get more sleep and stress as little as I can.
Sheep heart: Heart Diagram:

Right ventricle
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